You must present your car registration or car rental agreement to obtain a parking permit. Parking permits must be displayed on the left side of rear bumper of vehicles parked at the 2 Town beaches (Crescent and Wades), Oak Tree Lane (Shell Beach Bar) and the Town Landings at Fresh Pond Road and at Menhaden Lane from the Friday preceding the observance of Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Vehicles registered with a Shelter Island address or to an owner of real property within the Town of Shelter Island may obtain parking permits FREE.
Others pay as follows:
Day Permits $25.00: (Only 10 per day will be issued. Available only for Wades Beach and Shell Beach.)
Weekly Permits $50.00: (any 7 consecutive days)
Monthly Permits $95.00: (any 31 consecutive days)
Seasonal Permits $230.00: (Friday preceding observance of Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Parking Permits are available in the Town Clerk's Office.
By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Shelter Island